

Products Oranges

1. Navelina - 2. Navel - 3. Salustiana - 4. Lane/Navel-late - 5. Valencia-late


Description: These seedless edible oranges were discovered (1. Lane-Late) in 1950 as a bud spot on a Washington Navel tree on the property of L. Lane in Victoria (Australia), and (2. Navel-Late) in 1948 by D. A. Gil at Viñaroz, Castellón (Spain), and marketing started in 1957. Both varieties dispose of the same characteristics; big fruit size, orange colour and they have an exceptionally strong stalk and keep in excellent marketing condition on the trees over a long time period. The fruit pulp presents good organoleptic characteristics.

Juice content: min. 35%

Stage of maturity (Acidity/Sugar): min. 7

Transport temperature: 6º-8º

Storage temperature: 8º-10º